Donate to Support the Ukraine Solidarity Network US
With the full-scale war ravaging Ukraine for a third consecutive year, the need to continue advocating for the people of Ukraine remains as critical as ever. Right-wing politicians in the US and Europe have demonstrated their willingness to abandon Ukrainians in their time of need, while elements of the left remain influenced by narratives hostile to Ukrainian self-determination.
The Ukraine Solidarity Network is the leading U.S. hub for progressive perspectives on Ukraine’s current struggle for freedom from Russian domination. Our members have produced numerous statements, articles, webinars, and panel talks.
Please contribute to this cause. We particularly urge people to choose the option of making regular small contributions on a weekly or monthly basis. These contributions will give us a baseline of income to work with.
We are also asking for contributions for a new project. We want to hire a social media director to greatly expand our social media presence to reach more people to view our materials and join our organizing efforts. Our goal for this project is to raise $9, 000 so we can hire a social media coordinator for an initial three months. We would appreciate any contribution you can make.
Donate to Support Our Electric Generators for Ukrainian Workers Campaign!
The Ukraine Solidarity Network in the United States has teamed up with two Ukrainian trade unions, the Free Trade Union of Railway Workers and the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine and an NGO called Kryal to provide portable electric generators to families in need. Our initial goal is to raise $6,000 dollars for 12 portable generators for union members and their families. These brave workers and their families are in urgent need of support.
Click Here to Support the Campaign!