Information about Syria

Information about the Syrian Revolution

The democratic revolution in Syria is intimately linked with Ukraine’s struggle against the Russian invasion. Ukrainian resistance has destroyed so much of Russia’s military capacity, and tied down so much more of that capacity, that Putin and his regime were unable to intervene to try to save its client Bashar al Assad from the onslaught of the popular uprising.

The overthrow of Assad has thrown Russia’s military and economic power in Western Asia, the Mediterranean Sea and Africa into chaos and doubt because Russia’s naval base and air base in Syria were key links in the Russian supply and command chain.

The events have also exposed the false claims of Putinist, Assadist, and campist propaganda about the regime and their slanders against regime opponents.

Here are links to resources to help understand what has happened so far.

Michael Karadjis’ blog, Their Anti-imperialism and Ours, provides seriously researched in-depth analysis about the Syrian revolution, the Palestinian struggle and other world events.

The Syrian revolution, Iran and Israel: Squaring the circle, refuting myths

January 14, 2025

A compendium of valuable resources compiled by Ramah Kudaimi

The Syrian Revolution: A Reader

“To understand history we must position ourselves within it. To remember those who fell in the struggle for a better tomorrow is about the individual but also so much more. Perhaps as Omar would have put it; it’s about humans.

“These are texts by Syrian revolutionaries, activists, intellectuals, anarchists, as well as interviews with such. Initially compiled in 2022, it has been updated and comes with renewed relevance due to the Assad regime being toppled end of last year.

“120 pages, where the next chapter is still unwritten.”

Scroll down from the homage to Omar Aziz to download the Reader

A Joint Statement on the victory of the Syrian people signed by the International Workers League [International Secretariat] – Fourth International (LIT-CI,, International Unity of Workers – Fourth International (UIT-CI, and the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT,

Syria, geopolitics and the left by Santiago Alba Rico. Geopolitics has become the new “last refuge” of scoundrels.



Understanding the rebellion in Syria

This Tempest interview with Swiss Syrian socialist Joseph Daher is about the process that led to the fall of Assad’s rule, the prospects for progressive forces, and the challenges they face in fighting for a truly liberated country that serves the interests of all its peoples and popular

The Kurdish struggle is central to Syria’s future

Joseph Daher argues that progressives must build a pluralistic Syria that recognizes the freedoms of Kurds.

The Threats ahead of a Democratic and Progressive Syria

In this article, Joseph Daher says that Syrian popular classes must organize to achieve the initial aspirations of the Syrian revolution. He analyzes the threat posed by the remnants of the old regime and then analyzes HTS’s policy to consolidate its power over the new Syria.

Syria: What Comes After the Despot?

An interview with Anand Gopal on why the Assad dictatorship was one of the most brutal regimes of the 21st century and what’s likely to come next in Syria.

The Collapse of the Assad Regime: An Interview on Syria with Gilbert Achcar

Stephen R. Shalom interviewed Gilbert Achcar on December 9 2024. Achcar is just retiring as professor of Development Studies and International Relations at SOAS, University of London. His many books include Perilous Power: The Middle East and US Foreign Policy, co-authored with Noam Chomsky (2007); The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives (2010); Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism (2013); The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (2013, 2022); and Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (2016). His new book on Gaza will be coming out from the University of California Press in the summer.

As Assad Regime Falls, Syrians Celebrate — and Brace for an Uncertain Future

By Shireen Akram-Boshar , Truthout December 11, 2024

Decolonising Syria: the tankie meltdown explained. Why the pro-Putin left is in mourning over Assad

Paul Mason explains why the pro-Putin left is in mourning over Assad.

A New Dawn for Syria: The Fall of the Assad Regime

Abdusalam Dallal says that there is no doubt that Syrians are divided and cautiously optimistic. In this transitional period, the big fear is that a ‘revolutionary’ elite associated with the new administration will take over from the regime’s elite, leaving those whose struggles fuelled the revolution, including the working class, without real representation.

YouTube and other online videos

After the Fall of Assad: The Struggle for a Free Syria, a Haymarket Books presentation with Joseph Daher, Leila Al-Shami, Shireen Akram-Boshar, and Yaser Munif

After Fall of Assad, “Struggle from Below” Needed to Build a Free & Democratic Syria

A shorter interview of Daher by Democracy Now with a similar content to that of the Haymarket presentation.

What Syrians are saying in the first week after the fall of Assad.

Howie Hawkins talks to Nidal Bitari a Palestinian who grew up in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria and participated in the 2011 uprising against the Assad regime.

 “Assad Is Gone”: Writer Yassin al-Haj Saleh on Syria, His 16 Years in Prison & Wife’s Disappearance

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviews Yassin al-Haj Saleh, a Syrian writer, dissident and former political prisoner who was jailed in Syria from 1980 to 1996.

The Collapse of the Syrian Regime

This Jadaliyya interview of Omar Dahi & Bassam Haddad examines the background and development of the Syrian revolution from the point of view of uniting the struggles against dictatorships and imperialism.

Rashid Khalidi on Assad’s opposition to Palestinian interests

Nidal Bitari: What Syrians are saying in the first week after the fall of Assad.

Nidal Bitari is a Palestinian who grew up in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria. He participated in the 2011 uprising against the Assad regime.

The Mainstream Media

Syria and Ukraine seek ‘strategic partnerships’ as senior officials meet

Its Syrian Bases in Doubt, Russia Sends Cargo Flights to Libya

Humbled in Syria, Putin Seeks Vindication in Ukraine