News and Updates
Celebrate the Syrian People’s Victory!
THE UKRAINE SOLIDARITY Network (U.S.) wholeheartedly celebrates the liberation of Syria and its people from the half-century murderous Assad family tyranny. Like so many others, we are profoundly inspired by the scenes of people celebrating in the streets, the return...
Ukraine Solidarity Network US Calls for Support of Campaign for Electric Generators for Ukrainian Workers
Winter is coming to Ukraine, temperatures are dropping, but nearly 60% of the country’s electrical generating capacity has been knocked out by unrelenting Russian air strikes. After causing tens of thousands of civilian casualties, the Russians are bent on freezing...
Solidarity with Georgians for Democracy and Self-Determination
THE UKRAINE SOLIDARITY NETWORK (U.S.) stands in solidarity with the people and progressive forces of the republic of Georgia at this difficult moment in their defense of democracy, equality and justice, and their nation’s right to self-determination. As supporters of...
Ukraine: A People’s Peace, not an Imperial Peace
Joint declaration by ecosocialist, anarchist, feminist, environmental organisations, and groups in solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance and for a self-determined social and ecological reconstruction of Ukraine The Swiss government will hold an international...
Against Police Repression and Zionist Attacks: Support the Movement in Solidarity with Palestine
The Ukraine Solidarity Network stands with the campus encampments protesting Israel’s genocidal war against Palestine and demanding that their institutions divest their funds from the horrific war. We support the broader Palestinian solidarity movement's demands for...
Aid Ukraine, Not Israel’s War
THE UKRAINE SOLIDARITY NETWORK (USN) agrees with the majority of U.S. public opinion on two crucially important questions confronting the United States and the world. We support Ukraine’s defensive war against Russia’s annexationist invasion launched by...
Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine
Statement of the Ukraine Solidarity Network on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine Two wars dominate world politics today–and the U.S. is involved in both, although in very different ways. Washington enables Israel’s genocidal...
From Ukraine to Palestine: Occupation Is a Crime!
Statement from the Ukraine Solidarity Network We Stand with Ukraine. We Stand with Palestine. End the Genocide in Gaza! President Biden has asserted that just as the United States stands with Ukraine in its war with Russia, the United States needs to stand with Israel...
Ukraine Solidarity Network Mission Statement
To join and participate in the Ukraine Solidarity Network-US, please read and sign on to the Mission Statement below. You will receive an email inviting you to join our email announcements list and/or our email discussion list. By joining the announcements list, you...